Carpet Tiles
When fitting carpet tiles, the floor always demands special attention. The floor quite literally forms the base on which the carpet tiles have to display their qualities and characteristics. Aspects such as moisture, planes, smoothness and compression strength are extremely important in that respect. Requirements differ with the type of subfloor involved.
Carpet Tiles are recommended according to the use fibre bonded carpets for the education market, tufted carpet and tiles for the commercial sector to specialized indoor and outdoor sports surfaces; Artech Consultant has expertise in all flooring fields and committed to the very best environmental practice. Environment culture at Artech is reduce, recycle, reuse using raw material from sustainable sources/ with recycled content wherever possible. Team actively involved in setting and monitoring the achievement of environmental objective and target
Inspecting the floor
A detailed inspection of the floor and materials is essential. The need to inspect the floor for damp , ventilation etc.
Site conditions for fitting
The carpet must be conditioned onsite and be allowed to come to the same temperature and relative humidity as the area where it is to be installed.
Carpet tiles ought to be acclimatized to the encompassing states of the office before establishment is initiated. The palletized product should be unwrapped and removed from the pallet. They should be carefully stacked and allowed 12-24 hours acclimatization before installation is commenced. Carpet tiles do not require the use of a permanent bond adhesive, gripper or underlay. We recommend the use of an approved pressure sensitive adhesive (which is applied to the whole of the surface area, especially underneath all seams). Once the adhesive has been allowed to dry (or tack off according to the adhesive manufacturers timing instructions), the carpet tiles can be placed in position.
When you received your tiles we recommend.
Preparation for Installation
Checking the materials
Check the carpet prior to installation for possible manufacturing errors (such as errors in colour, construction, patterns, and dimensions), or transport damage. In case you still notice a mistake, contact your supplier before you proceed to further processing.
Material storage
The correct storage of the material ensures that the installation properties are optimally preserved after installation Therefore, always store carpet in a space which is cool and dry and in which the carpet is stored on an even foundation.
Prior to installation it is essential to acclimatize the carpet tiles and thereby let them adept to the environment. For this the carpet tiles need to be unpacked on an even foundation, in the space where they will be laid, after which they have to acclimatize for at least 24 hours.
Preparatory activities and required circumstances.
The condition of the foundation determines to a large degree the look of your carpet.
The majority of carpet tiles may be installed in one of five different ways as shown in the diagram below.
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